Where Skincare Meets Cultura.

 A Letter from our Founder 


 At Piel Culta, I'm proud to say we're not just another skincare brand—we're a beautiful blend of skincare and cultura, transforming how we perceive and care for our skin. My own journey began with a deeply personal battle with acne, an experience that deeply impacted my self-esteem and led me to rediscover self-love on my own terms. Along the way, it became glaringly obvious that existing skincare brands were failing to address the needs of "Morenitas" like myself, and were inadvertently perpetuating damaging European beauty standards for women of color. Determined to make a change, I took matters into my own hands.


In 2020, I took the leap and launched Piel Culta, unveiling our flagship product, Guau Glow!—a luxurious face oil infused with Prickly Pear seed oil. This product quickly became a beloved beauty ritual for many. We firmly believe that skincare should be about nurturing and cherishing your skin, free from the constraints of unattainable beauty standards. While we proudly center “piel morena”, our skincare is para todos, embracing a holistic approach to skincare.


That's why I meticulously formulate our products with time-tested botanical ingredients that resonate with our Mexican heritage. My dedication lies in providing clean, enriching skincare that caters to sensitive, acne-prone skin.


So, I invite you to join us in reshaping skincare into a journey of self-love, where we celebrate and honor our piel morena together. 


profile picture of founder: smiling brown skinned women with white dress

Diana, Founder and Jefa



 What we value 



pirkcly pears 

Transparency - We promise to only use clean ingredients free from from Phthalates, Parabens and made with botanical ingredients with proven nourishing properties like Prickly Pears a.k.a Tunas.




black and white photo of young mexican girl with long dark hair

Cultura Our Mexican heritage inspires every aspect of Piel Culta, from honoring the resilient women who shaped us to infusing our products with the plants and fruits of our childhood.





seven hands splayed out to form a circle

Holistic Approach - What truly matters is how you feel empowered in your own skin. Our value centers around this belief, inspiring action beyond mere skincare routines. We strive to empower you to embrace your skin with confidence and self-love.



Community driven -